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Areation box(corn silo,grain hopper)
Introduction :Xiamen Luwei Construction Equipment Co., Ltd.specializes in the production of grain storage silo ,bolted silo ,chicken feed silo ,with a global market coverage .
Features:Mainly adopts air stirring and the "funnel effect" generated under the action of gravity, so that the raw meal powder is cut as many layers as possible to mix when it is falling. Its characteristics with other flow aid methods are that it can assist the mixing silo while assisting flow. The materials inside increase the stability of the product.
Application: Suitable for large cement silos, quicklime silos, etc.

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Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated
Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd.
Service Hotline:
+86 592-7072928 / +86 18150889219 (Tina Ye) (Overseas)
Registered address of the company:
Office Building 3rd Floor, No.608, Xinxia
South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Factory Address:
E3 workshop, Factory 2nd Floor, No.608, Xinxia South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Page Copyright: Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd. 闽ICP备10205934号
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