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Bulk loading machine(grain silo for sale,small silo)
Introduction :Xiamen Luwei Construction Equipment Co., Ltd.specializes in the production of carbon steel silo ,farm silo,Agricultural silo,with a global market coverage .
Features:The bulk loading machine is a special equipment used to transport solid bulk materials in the ash silo to bulk tankers and realize dust-free unloading. It is widely used in non-ferrous metallurgy, cement and other industries. It consists of an electric control box, a motor, and a reducer. , Pulley group telescopic tube, dust suction tube, wire rope and other main components. They are connected together by wire ropes and dust suction pipes to form a retractable structure. The automobile bulk loader can be interlocked with the feeding facility under the silo. After the truck is full, it will automatically stop the loading and realize the automation of the loading and unloading process, with high loading efficiency and low dust pollution.
Application:The bulk loading machine has the characteristics of automatic control in the whole process of loading, strong process adaptability, no dust, full charge indicator, simple structure, low cost and so on.

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Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated
Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd.
Service Hotline:
+86 592-7072928 / +86 18150889219 (Tina Ye) (Overseas)
Registered address of the company:
Office Building 3rd Floor, No.608, Xinxia
South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Factory Address:
E3 workshop, Factory 2nd Floor, No.608, Xinxia South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Page Copyright: Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd. 闽ICP备10205934号
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