Welcome to Luwei official website!Tel:+86-592-7072928 E-mail: tina.ye@xmlwjx.com
In 2011, to promote the construction of HongKong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, LUWEI provided 20 sets 500T and 8 sets 800T bolted cement silos for the island tunnel prefabricated factory.
In 2014, LUWEI provided 6 sets 800T bolted silos for the Fuzhou-Pingtan Railway Road-rail Bridge (China's first road-rail dual-use sea-crossing bridge).
In 2015, Luwei provided 500T and 1000T silos for the construction of the Fuzhou-Pingtan Railway Road-rail Bridge.
From 2015 to 2017, Luwei provided several welding silos and weighing systems for Haoyou Group.
In 2017, Luwei provided 2 sets 4500T cement silos for the bulk transfer station of CCCC Third Harbor Engineering in Xiamen.
In 2017, Luwei provided two sets 110m3 pulverized coal ash welding tanks for Yinlu Group.
In 2017, Luwei provided two 300T external flange cement silos for the construction of Haicang Road and Bridge.
In 2018, Luwei provided 200T outer flange silos for Changxing Project .
In 2019, Luwei provided two 500T cement silos and pneumatic conveying systems for the Xiamen Hada concrete batching plant.
From 2018 till now, Luwei provides all kinds of main steel structure production for Fujian South Highway Equipment Co., Ltd.
From 2011 till now, Luwei also designs and produces all kinds of non-standard steel fabrication.

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Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated
Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd.
Service Hotline:
+86 592-7072928 / +86 18150889219 (Tina Ye) (Overseas)
Registered address of the company:
Office Building 3rd Floor, No.608, Xinxia
South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Factory Address:
E3 workshop, Factory 2nd Floor, No.608, Xinxia South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Page Copyright: Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd. 闽ICP备10205934号
Friendly Link: Alibaba