Welcome to Luwei official website!Tel:+86-592-7072928 E-mail: tina.ye@xmlwjx.com
In 2024, Luwei provided 3000T bolted silo for CEMEX Cement Group, exported to Guatemala
In 2023, Luwei provided 3000T bolted silo for Heidelberg Cement Group, exported to Ghana and installed
In 2023-2024, Luwei bolted 1000T silos were exported to Canada and intalled
In 2022, the Luwei bolted square silo project was exported to New Zealand
In 2021, Luwei exported 750T bolted silos to Hong Kong.
From 2019 to 2020, Luwei provided 16 sets 1000T, 4 sets 2000T bolted silos and complete sets of pneumatic conveying system equipment for the construction of CC/LB dam conservancy project in Argentina.
In 2020, Luwei exported 6 sets 150T outer flange silos and hoist derrick steel structures to New Zealand.
In 2020, Luwei exported steel hopper and screw conveyors to South Korea.
In 2019, Luwei exported 2 sets 160 m³outer flange silos to New Zealand.
In 2019, Luwei exported 2 sets 100T cement silos to South Korea.
In 2019, Luwei exported 4 sets 1000T and 1 set 500T cement silos and pneumatic conveying equipment to Oman.
In 2019, Luwei exported 2 sets 1000T silos and pneumatic conveying system equipment to Russia.

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Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated
Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd.
Service Hotline:
+86 592-7072928 / +86 18150889219 (Tina Ye) (Overseas)
Registered address of the company:
Office Building 3rd Floor, No.608, Xinxia
South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Factory Address:
E3 workshop, Factory 2nd Floor, No.608, Xinxia South Road, Xinxu Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City
Page Copyright: Xiamen Luwei Prefabricated Steel Structure Co., Ltd Ltd. 闽ICP备10205934号
Friendly Link: Alibaba